The Alphabet Hip-Hop Lyrics:

The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.

Apple, Apple, A-A-Apple.
Apple, Apple, what’s up?

Baby, Baby, B-B-Baby.
Baby, Baby, what’s up?

Cowgirl, Cowgirl, C-C-Cowgirl.
Cowgirl, Cowgirl, what’s up?

Dragon, Dragon, D-D-Dragon.
Dragon, Dragon, what’s up?

The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.

Elephant, Elephant, E-E-Elephant.
Elephant, Elephant, what’s up?

Farmer, Farmer, F-F-Farmer.
Farmer, Farmer, what’s up?

Grandma, Grandma, G-G-Grandma.
Grandma, Grandma, what’s up?

Hippo, Hippo, H-H-Hippo.
Hippo, Hippo, what’s up?

The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.

Insect, Insect, I-I-Insect.
Insect, Insect, what’s up?

Jester, Jester, J-J-Jester.
Jester, Jester, what’s up?

Kangaroo, Kangaroo, K-K-Kangaroo.
Kangaroo, Kangaroo, what’s up?

Llama, Llama, L-L-Llama.
Llama, Llama, what’s up?

The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.

Mermaid, Mermaid, M-M-Mermaid.
Mermaid, Mermaid, what’s up?

Ninja, Ninja, N-N-Ninja.
Ninja, Ninja, what’s up?

Orange, Orange, O-O-Orange.
Orange, Orange, what’s up?

Pirate, Pirate, P-P-Pirate.
Pirate, Pirate, what’s up?

The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.

Queen Bee, Queen Bee, Qu-Qu-Queen Bee.
Queen Bee, Queen Bee, what’s up?

Robot, Robot, R-R-Robot.
Robot, Robot, what’s up?

Starfish, Starfish, S-S-Starfish.
Starfish, Starfish, what’s up?

T-rex, T-rex, T-T-T-rex.
T-rex, T-rex, what’s up?

The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.

Umpire, Umpire, U-U-Umpire.
Umpire, Umpire, what’s up?

Vampire, Vampire, V-V-Vampire.
Vampire, Vampire, what’s up?

Wizard, Wizard, W-W-Wizard.
Wizard, Wizard, what’s up?

Yo-yo, Yo-yo, Y-Y-Yo-yo.
Yo-yo, Yo-yo, what’s up?

The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.

Zombie, Zombie, Z-Z-Zombie.
Zombie, Zombie, what’s up?

The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.

The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.
The Alphabet Hip-Hop don’t stop.

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